Yes VERY rough at times, the kind of rough that makes people who “don’t get seaskick” a little sick (BUT NOT ME !! HAH!), 2nd reef and heavily reefed jib on a close reach all the way across the Gulf Stream to the Prov channel, then had to reef down to third reef, was running up to 7kts down wind with no jib, then Just as the winds went from S to W (NO THEY DID NOT EXACTLY GRADUALLY CLOCK SO MUCH) well they started to around to SSW from S, then a line of strong storms and bam suddenly W, saw a lot 20kt + wind, the waves DO get very steep in the prov channel with a NW wind but we were running so no problems, got the vane working great on all points of sale, even down wind at 3kt boat speed (had to change back up to the bigger vane) and probably should have raised the weight, since the boat was weaving between about 30deg and as you know course was about as stable as the winds. Was running full jib and 3rd reef making decent time, HEY GOT ALL THE WAY here with NO MOTOR AND NO AUTOPILOT (except for a short trip to windward for MOB drill to save a gaff) was proud of myself since I had to stay out late tweaking the vane and sails for one night around the berry islands and S to Nassau as it got light but that didn’t last long before a strong N wind picked up. Don’t let anyone else check in to Bahams as Nassau customs took over 24 hours blah, finally anchored up near the Yoga treat and connected with my friend there, though she can’t sail to Exumas so I’m solo unless someone speaks up ASAP who can fly in and out of Bahamas. If solo I will run a day run to Normans Cay and cut outside of the bank and then run and overnight to Great Exuma Georgetown. No real boat problems, a few minor leaks that should be easy to fix, everything else held up great, EVEN ME AND CRAIG! James thanks again for all the help, all those little (and some big ones) are really paying dividends in making this boat a real cruiser! (James is the person who helped with the refit in Brunswick GA

For everyone else who got a copy of this I hope to update the refit in GA details and blog up to that point on, Oh yeah, caught and eight a black fined? Shark, was great, a baracuda in the Providence channel, and catfish dinner I think Canaveral, well craig did most the catching! Hardest part had to be beating S off the FL shore against wind and current all night to make the Ft Lauderdale inlet at daylight, after several squalls all trying push us back to lake worth it worked out fine however, that night, thanks to the diesel, trying to break myself from relying on it as a crutch as I can now!

Will probably be in Nassau for a few more days, have to double check the weather but I think there is going to be light an variable winds for a few days and I don’t want to motor, plus I’m taking two Yoga classes a day and eating well here, so it isn’t TOO bad.

OH if anyone wants to sail the Exumas from nassau to Georgetown, Could be 3 to 5 days guessing and then hang in Georgetown till around the 18th or so I have space for one, you would fly roundtrip out of Nassau and just ferry or fly back to Nassau from Georgetown Exumas, only hard part might be getting a hold of me in time so I will try to log on tomorrow or Friday if anyone emails me a phone number with serious interest I will try to call them. I think I have crew from Georgetown to Panama through the canal (ART EMAIL ME TO CONFIRM) then I expect to be solo again for a while. I have NO WORKING PHONE ANYMORE so don’t bother calling :-). Also if anyone wants to have my google-earth satellite tracking emails and other updates sent to them until I get the website done email my mom and she will fwd them as she gets them.

Hope everybody is doing well. -Love -Kirk & Salsa.

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